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Kansas Total Tax Collections for April Nearly 8% Above Estimate


 Kansas total tax collections for April are up.


 Governor Laura Kelly announced yesterday that tax receipts for April were $101 million or nearly 8% above estimates. Total tax revenues are up more than 9% from this time last year.


Kelly says that those numbers underscore the importance of responsible tax relief. Last week, the governor vetoed a bipartisan tax bill that passed unanimously in the Kansas House and with an overwhelming majority of the Senate. She later presented the legislature with her own version of a tax plan.


State Secretary of Revenue Mark Burghart credited the increase in funds to processing 63,000 more 'balance due' checks from taxpayers than at this time last year. He also said that the increase for April is really just a carrying forward of payments that would normally be processed in May. As a result, tax receipts in May will likely be lower than estimates.

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