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Moran Co Sponsors Military Spouses' Survivor Benefits Bill


 U.S. Senator Jerry Moran co-introduces legislation would allow spouses of deceased service members to retain their survivor benefits if they remarry.

 Currently, a surviving spouse under the age of 55 could lose survivor benefits if they remarry. The Love Lives On Act would make certain surviving spouses are able to retain their benefits from both the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense upon remarriage at any age. The bill includes surviving spouses from active-duty, veteran and retired service members.

 Senator Moran calls military service family service, adding that our country owes a great debt to the surviving spouses of fallen service members. Moran says Gold Star spouses healing from their loss and choosing to remarry should not have to worry about losing their survivors’ benefits provided by the VA and the DoD.

 This legislation is supported by 41 Veterans Service Organizations and others, including the Disabled American Veterans, Elizabeth Dole Foundation, and Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors.

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