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Grow With Google Workshop

Do you have questions about how you can increase your business’ exposure on Goggle? Or want a better understanding of just how Google search works. Then you need to attend “Grow with Google”, a workshop sponsored by the Coffeyville Chamber of Commerce. The speaker, Maria Elena Duron, will show you how to improve your website’s visibility in Google’s organic search results across all devices, how you can create a free Google Business Profile, and everything you need to know about advertising your business on Google. You can attend via Zoom meeting or if you want to participate in-person in the Coffeyville Chamber Meeting Room on June 29th from 2 to 3 pm. You will need to RSVP. To reserve your space you can follow the link on our website: or go to the Coffeyville Chamber of Commerce website and let them know you plan to attend. That’s June 29th from 2 to 3 pm.




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