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Fredonia Authorities Warn of Utility Scam


 Authorities in Fredonia are warning of a utility scam that has been circulating recently.

 Fredonia utility customers are reporting that they have received a call from the utility company. The caller states their account is past due or there is a credit on the utility account. In either scenario, the caller is requesting immediate payment over the phone or bank information to refund the credit. Never give out your personal information over the phone before verifying the caller.


The City notes that the City of Fredonia Water and Light Department will, on occasion, make calls prior to disconnects, but they do not take payments over the phone. The staff will provide the 800 number for which the payment should be made, along with the customer’s utility account number. If at any time you are suspicious of a caller, hang up and call the utility office directly to verify account status.

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