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Emergency Bug Out Bag For Your Pet


The good folks at Best Friends Animal Society would like to remind you that September is Emergency Preparedness Month and that a little planning will help keep you and your pet safe.

Along with your emergency first-aid kit put together a bag of basic supplies for your pet, should you need to immediately evacuate. It should include the following: 3-5 day supply of food, a pet toy, an extra supply of necessary medications, a list of your pet’s medical needs as well as veterinary contact info, copies of vaccinations records, a collar with current id tag or microchip that includes your cell phone number, a crate labeled with your pets name and consider putting a well-worn sweater in it to help them feel comfortable. Also, include extra poop bags, a bowl, a can opener, and a spoon. Also, take a photo of your pet as well as a photo of you with your pet and store them on your phone in case you become separated. You may think of other items specific to your pet. Keep in mind that a little bit of planning will go a long way if the unexpected should arise.

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